My Om-Noms for January 2015

To put it bluntly, I am crazy-passionate about food. Growing up, I wasn't much of a foodie. In fact, I was a picky-eating lanky little gal and that continued well on into my adult life. A few years ago, I started exploring the city on a culinary level and discovered lots of Montreal's tasty gems. Note to non-Montrealers: Montreal is a hub for amazing restaurants (and I mean A LOT of them) Over the years, I've refined my tastes, though I am always game to try just about anything. I don't have many dietary constraints though I try to eat fresh, keep it reasonably clean, and don't eat much meat.

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How to be a Gift-Giving Pro [Valentine's Day Edition]

Valentine's Day blows.

It's like a mild form of hell for single people. And for the rest of 'em, it's the one day of the year that an abundance of shleps fancy themselves romantics by surprising (read: "surprising") their SO with a bouquet of roses and box of chocolates. *sigh* Nothing quite says 'I'm an unoriginal tool' like snatching up an overpriced bouquet of roses on February 14th. 

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5 Things you need to know about your first Montreal apartment

Since I was a wee little angsty teen, I would constantly remind my parents how I was moving out at 18. Naturally these proclamations were met with eye-rolling and sarcastic wit (my parents are fun like that - the apple sure doesn't fall far from the tree) and hormonal little me continued forth in my "I'll-show-them" phase. College rolls around and then university and would you look at that - I was 21, armed with a Bachelor's degree and no career in sight. Shit. *Crumple paper / draft new plan*

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New year / New hair

I've always had quite - errrr, how can I put it - particular hair. Not only am I blessed with thick, curly, frizzy, plentiful hair (aka the devil's hair) but I'm also a sucker for colorful and wacky hairdos. All in all, if hair had feelings - which mine's behavior leads me to believe it does - then my hair hates the living hell out of me for everything I've done to it in the past decade or so. A few months ago, I had a good portion of my head bleached and dyed coral. It was vibrant and looked absolutely fantastic - for the first week. My hair felt like straw, was splitting in every possible direction and was completely fried. After spending a few hundred bucks to get my hair that way and then "maintain" it with fancy-shmancy products, I wasn't about to get stuck in the same loop of killing my locks all over again. And so... I chopped it off.  

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