Let it be known that I'm not big on sushi. My biggest issue with sushi is the sheer amount of rice used as filler, the lack of punchy flavours, and how dry it leaves my mouth. I can count the amount of times I have it in a year on one hand, and my only encounters with sushi are instances in which I have social obligations to attend to. I've tried all of Montreal's "best sushi restaurants," and the sentiment has always remained the same: sushi is "meh." Nobody has ever wowed me, and no restaurant has ever made me crave sushi.
Read MoreHoly Donuts, Batman!
Two years ago, I started training a lot. As in working out for a good two hours every single day and tracking every calorie that went into my body kind of a lot. I knew every food item's nutrition facts like the back of my hand, and planned what I was having for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for days ahead. I would have these epiphanies once a month where I'd try to prove to myself that I could still indulge every now and then but the moment I'd have a cookie, I'd feel an insane amount of guilt. I'd work out double my usual time for the next few days and question how much control I really had over my lifestyle. Over a silly cookie.
Read MoreSaturday Adventures: V-Day
I'm turned off by Valentine's Day as much as the next Negative Nancy. However, if I can find a reason to have someone else curate a day of fun for me, you bet your behind I'll be excited as hell for the day. This year, the BF planned out a day of activities for us to do, which I knew would be interesting since:
1- BF isn't exactly what you'd call a traditional romantic
2- BF and I avoid "cheesy couple things" like the plague
3- BF and I have very unconventional ideas of fun
Read MoreMy Om-Noms for January 2015
To put it bluntly, I am crazy-passionate about food. Growing up, I wasn't much of a foodie. In fact, I was a picky-eating lanky little gal and that continued well on into my adult life. A few years ago, I started exploring the city on a culinary level and discovered lots of Montreal's tasty gems. Note to non-Montrealers: Montreal is a hub for amazing restaurants (and I mean A LOT of them) Over the years, I've refined my tastes, though I am always game to try just about anything. I don't have many dietary constraints though I try to eat fresh, keep it reasonably clean, and don't eat much meat.
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